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Keep Hygiene in Spa/Salon

Writer's picture: Marketing BCMarketing BC

Ensuring higher hygiene standards in your salon is critical to avoiding cross-contamination risks. Fungi, viruses, parasites, and bacteria can easily spread if you don't do your part to stop them, whether it's from yourself, other clients, or dirty tools.

Tools like combs, scissors, and tweezers are prime candidates for cross-infection – and clients would probably be a little wigged out if they found out you used the same scissors on all clients without cleaning them! Germs can easily spread between clients in this manner, causing infections that make them unlikely to return to you.

Making hygiene a priority in the day-to-day operations of your salon is the best thing you can do. You could create a salon hygiene checklist to remind everyone on the team of best practices and provide training on how to keep the salon clean.

Everyday Upkeep

On a usual day at the salon, towels and smocks are used, the back bar is brimming with used foils and colour tubes, and the sink is stacked with colour tools. The floor is strewn with cut hairs and has been splattered and dripped with water from the shampoo bowls to each station and back. The waiting area is littered with half-torn magazines, and the retail shelves are jumbled or depleted with bottles. With the number of people who come in for various services each day, not to mention the staff who supports those services, a salon can quickly become disorganised. Therefore, you have to maintain the habit of cleaning every day at the end of the day before closing the salon.


Before closing, employees need to clean up everything, clean all the surfaces, floor, tools and wash all the used equipment to keep the spa clean every day. Daily cleaning can help you keep your shop clean, but it won't keep it completely clean. Even though staff and assistants can assist with ongoing daily chores, there is still a level of cleaning that must be done. Sweeping up hair is simply not enough, depending on the size of a salon and how busy the days are. On average, salons require a more thorough cleaning every couple of days. This includes cleaning all surfaces, including mirrors and countertops, dusting retail shelves, scrubbing restrooms, and damp-mopping the floors. This thorough cleaning is not a set of tasks that your staff should be expected to complete. That's why most salons hire a cleaning crew to come in every 3 to 6 months to deep clean the nooks and crannies that we can't normally reach.

You are stuck with so many things that have to be cleaned before closing. Blue Clean is here to help you out!

Essential items for salon hygiene products you should have:

  • Disinfectant for tools

  • Disinfectant jar

  • Disposable gloves

  • Hand soap and sanitiser

  • Clean towels and paper towels

  • Antibacterial surface cleaner

  • Beauty couch roll or clean covers


There’s also another level of salon or spa maintenance that needs to be taken into consideration. The traps in the shampoo bowls need to be unblocked on occasion, the air filters in the heating, cooling and ventilation system cleaned or changed and burnt out light bulbs replaced. Therefore, you normally have to take time to have a look at those things and fix it when needed.

Blue Clean Property Services is staying operational. You can take advantage of our full range of cleaning services, which includes everything from one-time and general house cleaning to more specialised services.

Not seeing the cleaning service you need? Please browse our range of cleaning services here.

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